
Knowledge and research insights during war time

A research-based tool for developing a dialogue with toddlers and children around written stories developed by Prof. Tzipi Horowitz Kraus and the Educational Neuro Imaging Group from the Technion is presented in the link below: Israeli children experience the events of war in different ways. Some talk about things and

Dialogic reading in Arabic –EEG study

The Arabic language includes spoken local dialects as well as standard Arabic used in literature, though it is not generally spoken as a first language. This represents a challenge for children in their reading acquisition stage, as standard Arabic is often considered as a second language. In this project, we will determine if

Literacy exposure from birth: linking the daycare to bedtime story at home

The purpose of this project is to determine the effect of shared book reading at the daycare during the first three years of life on the children expressive/receptive abilities as well as on the attitude of the caregivers towards literacy and reading, and the correspondence between the two. We also aim to determine

How do children learn to read?

The young brain experiences change in utilization of visual, language and executive functions-related regions while learning to read. However, whether a similar process occurs in Hebrew is yet to be known. This study aims to determine the neurobiological changes related to reading acquisition in 6 years old children while learning to read in

Reading training for first-graders

We are currently conducting a study with ~30 children between 5 and 6 years old (first grade). The main goal of the project is to determine the effect of a cognitive training aimed at executive function and reading improvement. The project includes the monitoring of different cognitive abilities over time

Want to train your child’s reading and math abilities? – Now enrolling!

With support from a grant awarded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01 HD086011, PI: Horowitz-Kraus), the RLDC launches a study of an online reading intervention for dyslexia. Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus and colleagues at Cincinnati Children’s, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Washington University, and The Technion Institute of Technology in

Language Development During the Coronavirus Quarantine – New Study!

The impact of the Coronavirus quarantine on language development in children up to 3 years old As parents, we know that quality time with our children is usually accompanied by stories, songs, games or any other joint activity that involves conversation and eye contact. However, in "real life" our children are exposed

The role of executive functions in Hebrew-speaking children

We examine the role of executive functions in reading in children aged 8-12. The purpose of this study is to examine the involvement of executive functions in reading and reading improvement in 8-12-years-old children, with normal reading abilities and among children with difficulties. Watch the Educational Neuroimaging Group video: For additional information on fMRI:  

The Importance of Literacy in Young Children

In the study, we examine the language development among toddlers aged 2-3.5-years-old and the brain synchronization between the mother and the child using EEG, while performing various activities around stories reading and listening. במסגרת המחקר אנו בוחנים את התפתחות השפה בקרב פעוטות בגילאי 2-3.5 שנים ואת הסנכרון המוחי בין האם לילד

Mindfulness training in preschoolers

Mindfulness is an attention training drawn from the Buddhist tradition and refers to a self-regulated attentional stance, oriented towards present-moment experiences that are characterized by curiosity, openness, and acceptance. Mindfulness was found to be a method reducing stress and improving quality of life, but can it also have positive effects on

The effect of dialogic reading in preschoolers

The purpose of this project was to examine the effect of an engaged reading on the neural circuits involved in the process, in comparison to the effect of screen exposure. To read more on the benefits of joint reading see: To read about the project's results: Twait, E., Farah, R., Shamir, N., & Horowitz‐Kraus,

Reading Intervention Project

With support from a grant awarded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01 HD086011, PI: Horowitz-Kraus), the RLDC launches a study of an online reading intervention for dyslexia. Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus and colleagues at Cincinnati Children’s, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Washington University, and The Technion Institute of Technology in

Reading Training for Children with Dyslexia

The purpose of this project is to determine the effect of reading training on the neural circuits supporting executive functions in children with dyslexia. Results Summary: After 4 weeks of reading training, the fMRI BOLD signal have shifted from the left to the right hemisphere in children with dyslexia. For further reading see: Horowitz-Kraus,

Structural and Functional Connectivity related to Reading Impairments, in Children with Psychiatric Disorders

The purpose of the study is to characterize the structural and functional connectivity related to reading impairments, in children with psychiatric disorders. Results Summary: Our neuroimaging data demonstrates that children with developmental, neurological or psychiatric disorders show differential neurological impairment related to their reading difficulty. For further reading: Horowitz-Kraus, T. All roads lead to Rome? Distinct neural

Eye-tracking session

The eye tracker is a small device that can track your eye’s movements. It is important to learn how you move your eyes, because it gives us important information about how you learn, read, and pay attention to details. We first need to make sure the computer recognizes your eyes. We

What to expect- an EEG testing

The source of activation in the brain comes from brain cells called neurons, and neurons communicate with one another through electrical signals. We can measure these electrical signals using a technique called electroencephalography, or EEG. So welcome to the EEG lab! First, We will measure your head size. We need to make sure

What to expect when participating in a neuroimaging study?   MRI sounds The following audio files demonstrate the sounds produced by an MRI machine, so that the children can get use to these sounds before arriving to the scanner 1. Behavioral testing When you come for a visit to our center, we will work on some language, reading, and other abilities related to learning; like