

Head: Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, PhD

Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, PhD is the head of the Educational NeuroImaging Group (ENIG) and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology and the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Technion. Tzipi is also an Associate Professor (PAR) at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and at the Neuropsychology Department,

Rola Farah, PhD

Dr. Rola Farah, PhD, completed her PhD in Audiology and pediatric neuroimaging at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio and a post-doc position at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati as a Fulbright scholar. She received her undergraduate and Master’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Tel Aviv University in Israel. Dr. Farah’s professional career include a wide array of clinical

Judith Weisler

Judith is our Lab Manager and also works as a Research Assistant at the ENIG. She is currently completing her BA in Psychology at the Open University and volunteers at a rehabilitation center for children on the autism spectrum.  

Mariam Shehadi-Haj

Mariam holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Management Information Systems and a master’s degree in Learning Disabilities from the University of Haifa. She is a lecturer and pedagogical instructor at Oranim College and a lecturer in the field of positive psychology on behalf of the Mitiv Center at Reichman University. Mariam is currently a PhD student at the Faculty

Dikla Harel Koren

Dikla Harel Koren holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminology and Sociology from Bar-Ilan University and a master’s degree in Learning Disabilities from the University of Haifa. She serves as a lecturer and pedagogical instructor in Special Education at Oranim College and as a lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Beit Berl College. Additionally, she has been working for over 15

Azhar Badarnee

Azhar completed her B.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. She has a previous experience as a science teacher. Additionally, she worked for several years as clinical research coordinator. Azhar is starting her master’s degree in Bio-medical engineering, she studies brain synchronization between parents and preschool children while reading stories in Arabic language.

Sarit Roizman

Sarit is a Chemical Engineering B.Sc. graduate from the Technion. Sarit worked for several years in the medical devices industry at Medtronic (formerly Given Imaging) as a process engineer. Following this introduction to the bio-medical world and her growing interest in the field, Sarit decided to pursue an M.Sc. in Bio-Medical engineering. Using both fMRI data and behavioral tests, Sarit

Liana Magaliff

Liana holds degrees in Neuroscience (Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, USA) and Nursing (Duke University, North Carolina, USA). With an interest in cognitive neurodevelopment and caregiver-child health, she worked as a research assistant studying infants’ language acquisition and as a bedside NICU nurse. She is pursuing a master’s with the ENIG, focusing on neural circuitry involved with joint parental reading, understanding how

Marwan Bebar

Marwan holds a B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering from Technion, where he specialized in imaging and medical signal processing. His undergraduate research utilized TMS to study how movement frequency affects motor cortex representation, combining computational analysis with experimental techniques. Currently pursuing an M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, his research focuses on reading fluency in children with epilepsy and dyslexia. Using functional MRI

Ayelet Elor

Ayelet is a research assistant at the Lab. She holds a B.ed degree and a teaching certificate in the field of early childhood education, an MLS degree in informatics and librarianship from the University of Haifa.

Ivon Lis

Ivon is a research assistant at the Lab.  Psychology bachelor’s degree student at the Open University, Ivon volunteered at the “Perah” association in the “HaPrasim” program. Ivon is interested in brain research and aspiring to work with kids.

Gorgina Abu-Ghanima

Georgina is an undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering at the Technion. She completed her final project on dialogic reading in both Literary Arabic and Spoken Arabic. In her project, she used EEG to examine brain synchronization between mothers and their children through hyperscanning. She is currently working as a research assistant at the Lab.

Gil Yashayev

Gil is a final-year undergraduate student in Data and Information Engineering at the Technion. As a data analyst in the lab, he analyzes and processes behavioral data, MRI data, EEG data, and more, using advanced tools for statistics and machine learning and integrating academic insights. The main project he is currently involved in focuses on developing unique reader profiles to

Roy Carmel

Roy is a second-year undergraduate student in computer science at the Technion. Through his work at the lab, he specializes in image processing and data analysis. He is a member of the Lapidim program, the Technion’s Computer Science faculty excellence program.

Carmel Gashri

Carmel finished bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (BS.c). During her final undergraduate project, she collaborated with Niko Taran in our lab and examined the effect of reading intervention program on children with dyslexia by analyzing fMRI data. During her research work (MS.c.) she studies parent-child brain as well as behavioral interaction.  

Raya Meri

Raya earned her B.A in psychology from the University of Haifa. During her bachelor’s degree Raya volunteered at a children’s boarding school in Haifa- a Center for children with extensive hospitalization background. Additionally, Raya has experience in neuro-psychology research. Raya started as a research assistant at ENIG, and worked on EEG and MRI data collection and analysis. Later, she started

Nikolay Taran

Niko completed his B.Sc. in Psychology at the University of Barcelona, Spain, and his M.Sc. in Neuroscience at the same institution. He has previous experience with research tools such as TMS, tDCS, and tACS, although his present projects are mainly fMRI-based. He is currently investigating the involvement of basic cognitive skills in dyslexia from a computational neurobiological perspective.

Victoria Khalfin

Victoria earned her B.Sc and B.Sc.Ed in computer science from the Technion. During her studies Victoria worked voluntarily with children in various programs such as: “Perach”, “Sela” and “International Award for Young People – Israel”. After 3 years working in “Elbit Systems” Victoria returned to the Technion and started her Master’s studies in Pediatric Neuroscience. Her research is focusing on neuro-imaging data

Maya Almogi

Maya earned her B.Sc in Biomedical Engineering from the Technion. She volunteers with children and elderly population and for the last 3 years she worked as a system engineering and physics student at Philips Healthcare, in Haifa. Recently, Maya started her Master’s studies in our lab. Her research is focusing on the neural networks supporting executive functions in relations to

Ohad Nachshon

Ohad graduated from the Electrical Engineering in the Technion and Psychology at the Open University. He also has been working at Intel in several positions for more than 15 years. He is currently studying for a Master degree in Technion’s Views program and planning to become a high school science teacher in the education system. Ohad is interested in the

Nofar Mark

Nofar earned her B.A in psychology, with specialty in Cognitive Science from the Open University. During her degree, she worked as Security Researcher for 7 years. Nofar started her master’s degree at our lab and is interested in the research of children born preterm.  

Nir Habouba

Nir is a Technion (IIT) graduate with a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering (B.Sc). During his undergraduate project, he collaborated with Prof. Ronen Talmon, member of the faculty for electrical engineering at the Technion, to produce a stamp for EEG signals. He is currently interested in collecting and cross-referencing behavioral data and fMRI data, including  application of engineering methods, in

Noam Glukhovsky

Noam earned his B.Sc. in Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of Califronia at Santa Barbara (UCSB). During his undergraduate studies Noam also worked as an undergratuate researcher at UCSB’s Department of Biopsychology focusing on research concerning the effects of Cocaine on the Ventral Prefrontal Cortex in rats. Noam is currently completing his MSc thesis at the Horowitz-Kraus Lab,

Ilana Shlomov

Ilana received her double major B.A in Special Education and Counseling and Human Development from the University of Haif​​a​​. Prior to her ​​bachelor’s​ degree, she worked as a computer technician for seven years in Rafael Systems and Israeli Airforce Industry. During her bachelor’s Ilana was working with children with learning disabilities​​ in several frameworks such as Perach, private schools and kindergartens. ​​In addition, she volunteered at the Ulpan Center in Giv’ataim

Donia Aboelhija

Donia earned her B.Sc in Medicine – Medical Science Track from the Technion and her M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience from the same university. Donia has experience with fMRI and fNIRS neuroimaging modalities. Additionally, she volunteers with at-risk girls and youths and in the past she also volunteered at a daycare for seniors.

Yoav Nahshon

Yoav has received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the Technion -Israel Institute of Technology. As a member of the Data and Knowledge Lab, his main focus of study was databases and Information Extraction. In February 2019 he joined Fraunhofer IWM to partake in the emerging field of Materials Informatics and currently leads the team “Software Solutions in Materials

Michal Zivan, PhD

Michal completed her B.Sc in Electrical Engineering and her M.Sc in Biomedical Engineering  at the Technion Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel and worked for industrial companies as an engineer and algorithm developer. Her PhD in the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center at the Bar-Ilan University focused on attentional behavior analysis using gaze-contingent technology in infants born preterm and siblings of