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Eye-tracking session

The eye tracker is a small device that can track your eye’s movements. It is important to learn how you move your eyes, because it gives us important information about how you learn, read, and pay attention to details. We first need to make sure the computer recognizes your eyes. We

What to expect- an EEG testing

The source of activation in the brain comes from brain cells called neurons, and neurons communicate with one another through electrical signals. We can measure these electrical signals using a technique called electroencephalography, or EEG. So welcome to the EEG lab! First, We will measure your head size. We need to make sure

What to expect when participating in a neuroimaging study?   MRI sounds The following audio files demonstrate the sounds produced by an MRI machine, so that the children can get use to these sounds before arriving to the scanner 1. Behavioral testing When you come for a visit to our center, we will work on some language, reading, and other abilities related to learning; like